Monthly Goals:
We want to get every individual looking to make a difference in the world active within the community. We provide weekly challenges to help promote positive ways of improving your daily routines while encouraging all individuals to keep better serving the community. Remember to always conserve, encourage, educate and understand what is needed today to make a cleaner environment for our society! That all starts with #CleanWater!
Yearly Goals:
Photos 4 Filters is growing day by day! We are building a dedicated team of professionals to help fuel our passion to create access to clean water, world wide. We plan to provide as many water filtration systems as we can to all the families in need. Our projected goal for 2016 is 150 units being used all over the globe. Help us make this a success!
Overall Goals:
We offer the best team of people, the best filtration systems, and the best organization to donate towards hands down. We pride ourselves in maintaining a commitment to all the people involved in our Non - Profit to ensure we treat each family with care and consideration. We’ve done much research into what the best filtration systems we can buy and providing the best professional teams to successfully educate any family in need. There is no goal too big for what we are trying to accomplish here at Photos 4 Filters.